Transition Metals and Coordination Chemistry- Suggested reading assignment and guide

OpenStax textbook

Chapter 19 in OpenStax will be useful in this topic, and the order in OpenStax will pretty closely follow the order of concepts and objectives presented in thBruce’s notes for the topic.

In Section 19.1, read the early sections giving an overview of the transition metals and the subsection “Properties of the Transition Elements”.   In the subsection “Preparation of the Transition Elements”, there is a description of how some important transition metals are isolated in their elemental form from their ores (naturally occurring compounds containing the elements).  You should understand that this involves reduction of the metals, but are not responsible for the details of the isolation processes (steelmaking, etc).  Skim these subsections, as well as the ones on “Transition Metal Compounds” at the end of Section 9.1

Sections 19.2 and 19.3 cover coordination compounds, our main area of focus for this topic.  Read these sections.  You will not be responsible for the naming of complexes, but you should still be familiar with the anionic ligands and their charges in Table 19.1.

If you prefer to follow the notes and objectives and augment or refer to the reading as necessary,  links to the appropriate OpenStax book sections are listed in the Bruce’s notes for the topic as the concepts are addressed.

Brown and LeMay (old) textbook

Read Chapter 23, entire chapter, except:

    • Omit “Metals and Chelates in Living Systems”, pages 1009-1012 . 
    • Omit “Nomenclature of Coordination Compounds”. pages 1012-1014