Online CHEM 152 reminders for week of Feb 19

Hi online CHEM 152 students!

I’m sorry that LCC’s internet issues have affected access to your ability to access the course website.  Reports I’m hearing is that is current still affecting some people, although I’m currently able to access it from off campus.

Yesterday, I sent out an email containing attachments or links (outside the course website) link to:

  • The Online Course Schedule
  • Bruce’s notes on the two Unit 2 topics: Chemical Kinetics and Nuclear Chemistry
  • Quiz 3 (due Monday 2/26)
  • other study resources

Hopefully those resources will help you keep pace if you are still unable to access the course website.  Please keep me informed.

The Chemical Kinetics Online Homework will now be due Monday, Feb 26 (extended due to the website connectivity issues).

The Unit 2 Exam will be available 2/28 – 3/2 (note exam window ends Saturday (not Tuesday) for Spring Break). See  CHEM 152 Exam Info

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have questions or need help with the course material.


Online CHEM 152 reminders for week of Feb 12

Hi Online CHEM 152 Students!

Unit 1 is completed and your study on Unit 2 should be underway.

Hopefully your study of Chemical Kinetics in Unit 2 is going well!  Here are some reminders and updates in the course for the next week.  Please let me know if you have questions or need help with the course material.

Unit 1 Materials Returned

You should have a copy of your graded Unit 1 Exam  in your email inbox (either LCC Student email or D2L email – I emailed them to both). Also, I returned your graded Quiz 2 assignments to whatever email you used to submit them to me.

Please look over the exams and quizzes, make sure I didn’t make any errors in calculating your exam grade, and contact me with any questions about the grading of the exam or how to answer any of the questions on the exam.

Most students tell me that Unit 1 is the most difficult one of the semester — so if you did not do as well on the exam as you had hoped know that you do get to drop an exam and that many students find the upcoming material to be less difficult. That said, if things did not go well on Exam 1 I would highly recommend you look at how you approached, studied, and learned the material and think about what improvements or changes you could make in your aproach for Unit 2.  I would be glad to discuss this with you if you think I could be of help

Assignments and topics for Unit 2 (see the Course Schedule)


Online CHEM 152 reminders for week of Feb 5 (Including Unit 1 Exam deadline tomorrow))

Due today (Mon Feb 5)

Due tomorrow (Tues Feb 6):

The deadline for taking the CHEM 152 Unit 1 Exam is tomorrow, Feb 6.  Exam info is below:

Exam Information

The exam is a proctored, pen/pencil and paper exam.  It is not offered online on D2L.  It will be available during open Testing Center Days and Hours beginning Friday 2/2 and ending Tuesday 2/6.

The exam will cover everything in Unit 1.

Testing hours and locations are at this link

There is detailed information about the exams at this link.  Please read it carefully – it contains the answers to many frequently asked questions.  Let me know if you have additional questions after reading it.

For this exam, you will be provided a copy of the Periodic Table for Units 1-3.  A copy of the periodic table you will receive is at this link.

Additional Study Resources

Don’t forget to look at the Unit I – additional study resources page on this Website.  It contains many resources to help you prepare for the exam.  Please take a look at them.  One of those resources is a practice exam.  Please read more about the practice exam below:

Practice Exam
What the practice exam is:

This practice exam will be similar in length, number of questions, types of questions (multiple choice, short answer, numerical problems, etc) to your exam.  The practice exam will be useful as a general review and will help you see how prepared you are.  If the practice exam (without looking at your notes) is easy for you, the actual exam probably will be.  If it is difficult, the actual exam probably will be.

What the practice exam is NOT:

The actual exam will NOT be the same as the practice exam with only a few numbers changed.  Do NOT think that if you only study and memorize the questions on the practice exam that you will be ready for the exam because the questions will be the same. 

Unit 2 is next

Unit 2 comes next.  It covers two topics: Chemical Kinetics and Nuclear Chemistry.  See the Online Course Schedule for assignments and deadlines for Unit 2 – it will be organized very similarly to Unit 1.

Please contact me if I can be of assistance!

Online CHEM 152 reminders for week of Jan 29 (Including Unit 1 Exam)

I hope you are all getting settled into the rhythm of the class and how it works as well in progressing in the chemistry!  At this point, hopefully you are winding up the topic of Acid-Base Titrations and getting started  on Solubility Equilibria.

Please read everything below carefully and let me know if you have questions.


I have completed grading Quiz 1 and returned graded ones to you via email to the address you sent it from.  Please let me know if you have questions.

Quiz 2 is available now at the link and is due Monday, Feb 5.

Online Homework

The online homework assignments are all located at this link: CHEM 152 Online Homework – Spring 2024

When you click on it, you should see this website:

Notice at the top it says CHEM 152 – Farris (Spring 2024)

I’m mentioning this because the Online Course Schedule had some links to the homework assignments that linked to a previous semester’s site, and some of you did your homework there.  I have removed those links so you can no longer do that.  From now on, please use the above link, the link at the TOP of the course schedule, or the link in the right sidebar to access the homework.  If you did previously do some of the homework in the old course, don’t worry, you will not have to redo it and you still will receive credit.  Just move to the above site going forward.

Online homework assignments due this week:

  • Online Homework: Acid-Base Titrations due today, Jan 29
  • Online Homework: Solubility Equilibria due Feb 5

Unit 1 Exam

Exam Information

The exam is a proctored, pen/pencil and paper exam.  It is not offered online on D2L.  It will be available during open Testing Center Days and Hours beginning Friday 2/2 and ending Tuesday 2/6.

The exam will cover everything in Unit 1.

Testing hours and locations are at this link

There is detailed information about the exams at this link.  Please read it carefully – it contains the answers to many frequently asked questions.  Let me know if you have additional questions after reading it.

For this exam, you will be provided a copy of the Periodic Table for Units 1-3.  A copy of the periodic table you will receive is at this link.

Additional Study Resources

Don’t forget to look at the Unit I – additional study resources page on this Website.  It contains many resources to help you prepare for the exam.  Please take a look at them.  One of those resources is a practice exam.  Please read more about the practice exam below:

Practice Exam
What the practice exam is:

This practice exam will be similar in length, number of questions, types of questions (multiple choice, short answer, numerical problems, etc) to your exam.  The practice exam will be useful as a general review and will help you see how prepared you are.  If the practice exam (without looking at your notes) is easy for you, the actual exam probably will be.  If it is difficult, the actual exam probably will be.

What the practice exam is NOT:

The actual exam will NOT be the same as the practice exam with only a few numbers changed.  Do NOT think that if you only study and memorize the questions on the practice exam that you will be ready for the exam because the questions will be the same. 

Online CHEM 152 reminders for week of Jan 21

I hope you are all getting settled into the rhythm of the class and how it works as well in progressing in the chemistry!  Make sure you check the Online Course Schedule regularly to remember assignments.  If you have not been doing that is a good habit to start – you (not I) are responsible for making sure you are keeping up with the deadlines and assignments.

Please read everything below carefully and let me know if you have questions.

Online Homework

Hopefully you are all logged into the online homework and is going well – I can see most of you have been completing the assignments.  Remember you MUST BE LOGGED IN to receive credit.    If you are a person that tends to forget to log in, I’d recommend writing the answers on scrap paper after you work them so you could go back later and type in the answers if you forget to log in.

The next online homework assignment (on Common Ion and Buffers) is due Monday 1/22.


I have gone through most of the Quiz 0 assignments and returned them to you.  If you turned it in, you received full credit of 20 points.  Thanks to all of you who took the time to introduce yourselves and for all the good questions you asked.  I appreciate your patience in my getting them back to you — between the 5 classes I’m teaching this semester I received over 120 first week surveys.

Thanks to all of you who submitted Quiz 1 as pdf files according to the instructions!  I will be grading them this week and returning them via email to the address you sent them from.

Quiz 2 will be made available later and will be due Monday 2/5.

The Unit 1 Exam can be taken at any Testing Center during open days and hours beginning Feb 2 and ending Feb 6.  I will send out detailed exam info next week.

Online CHEM 152 – Update and reminders for week of Jan 13-19

I hope you have all had a good first week of class and long weekend and have been able to access your course materials and get started! It’s never easy to learn to navigate all the details of a new online course and you are all doing great!

I will typically send out reminders and updates like this most weeks (somehere in the Friday-Monday range), but please contact me by text, phone, email, or office hours if you have questions about accessing or completing the assignments, or questions about the concepts covered.

Deadlines in the next week

  • Quiz Zero is due Tuesday, Jan 16 by 11:59 pm.  Thanks to all of you who have submitted it already.  It has been helpful to me to better get the class underway for you.  If you haven’t yet submitted it, click the link for instructions in how to do so.
  • The first Online Homework assignment (Acid-Base Review) is also Jan 16 by 11:59 pm.

Online Homework:

I’m happy to see that many of you have been able to access the Online Homework Website and begin work.  Even though the first three assignments are not due until exam day, keeping up as you go through the material will be valuable and helpful!

Please make sure you are logged into the site when answering questions or your work will not be recorded and graded.  You should have received an email from the system with login instructions. This email would to to your LCC student email, NOT to D2L email.

If you are having trouble logging in or did not receive/cannot locate the email, your user name will be your LCC technology user ID.  Enter that user name and click “lost password”.  You should then receive an email (to your LCC student email, NOT to D2L email) with instructions to reset password and log in.

Please contact me if you are unable to log in.

What to study/do next week to stay on pace

  • check the Online Course Schedule.
  • Begin studying Common Ion Effect and Buffers.  This is material new to 152 and builds upon the acid base material learned in CHEM 151 (and reviewed last week in this course).  Online homework for this topic is due Monday, 1/22.
  • Complete Quiz 1, also due Monday, 1/22

Have a great week, and please do not hesitate to contact me should you have questions.

Welcome to Spring 2024 Online CHEM 152!

Welcome to the second semester of general chemistry, CHEM 152.  My name is Bruce Farris.  I am your instructor for the course and I look forward to working with you this semester!

Everything you need to get started is at this link: Welcome to CHEM 152 – start here.   Please read, follow the directions, and contact me with any questions.

Welcome Fall 2023 In-Person CHEM 152 Students

This is my online CHEM 152 course website from Spring Semester – the course materials are the same and the examples and practice problems very similar to those covered in your class this semester.  The Units and Topics covered in this online course are the same  (and in the same order) as your class.  You can think of the “Bruce’s notes” for each section as the lecture notes for that section (with many of the same examples and practice problems).  There is no expectation or requirement that you use this website, but you might find it helpful to use as a “textbook”, if you need another look at the topics covered in class or on those occasions when you are unable to attend class.  Let me know if you have any questions about the material or the website!

End of Unit 4, Unit 4 Exam, and Final Exam Info

Hi CHEM 152 students!  The end of the semester is rapidly approaching!.  Here are some reminders and info about the rest of the semester:

Unit 4 Quizzes

Both unit 4 quizzes (Quiz 5 and Quiz 6)  are due by 11:59 pm Friday, April 28

Online Homework

The last online homework assignment (Molecular Orbitals) is due by 11:59 pm Friday, April 28.  I will post your total homework grades in the D2L gradebook sometime over the weekend or by Monday at the latest.

Unit 4 Exam

The Unit 4 exam is available now in the testing centers and must be completed by Saturday, April 29.  Note testing hours and locations are limited Friday and Saturday. Testing hours and locations are at this link.

The exam covers everything in Unit 4 .

The exam is a proctored, pen/pencil and paper exam.  It is not offered online on D2L.  There is detailed information about the exams at this link.  Please read it carefully – it contains the answers to many frequently asked questions.  Let me know if you have additional questions after reading it.

Additional Study Resources

Don’t forget to look at the Unit 4 – additional study resources page on this Website.  It contains many resources to help you prepare for the exam.  Please take a look at them.

Final Exams

The final exam will be in 2 parts.

Final Part 2 will be given first – from April 29 through May 4.  It will cover material from unit 3 and unit 4.

Final Part 1 will be given last – from May 4 to May 8. It will cover material from unit 1 and unit 2.

The orders on the exams are reversed to give you more time to prepare for the exam covering the older material.

Like the Unit exams,  each part of the final exam is a proctored, pen/pencil and paper exam.  It is not offered online on D2L. Testing hours and locations are at this link.

Each part of the final exam will be similar in length and format to the unit exams.  You will be given 80 minutes for each part of the final.

Resources supplied while taking exam

You will be given the same resources as you were given or the unit exams:

For Final Part 2, you will be provided a copy of the Periodic Table for Units 3-4.  A copy of the periodic table you will receive is at this link.

For Final Part 1, you will be provided a copy of the Periodic Table for Units 1-2.  A copy of the periodic table you will receive is at this link.

You are allowed to take a 3″x 5″ index card (one side, handwritten)  for use on each part of the Final Exam (one for Part 2, and another for Part 1).  You can write anything you wish on the card to use as notes.  It must be handwritten (not typed on computer) .

Resources for preparing for the Final Exams

As always, contact me if you have questions about the class or have any last minute questions about the material before beginning the exams.





Reminders and update for week of April 21-28

I hope Unit 4 and the study of electrochemistry are going well for you (and molecular orbitals, if you are keeping up with the original, pre-cyber threat schedule).  Here are some updates from last week and the upcoming week:

Unit 3 exam and quiz

Unit 3 exams have been graded, exam grades uploaded to the D2L gradebook, and graded copies have been returned to you via email.  Please let me know if you have any questions about the grading or the exam.  I will be grading Quiz 4 and returning it by email shortly.

Last day to drop course deadline

The last day the course (or any course at LCC this semester) can be dropped is Monday, April 24.  If you are concerned about your ability to successfully complete the course and wish to discuss this, please feel free to contact me.

Electrochemistry online homework

The electrochemistry online homework is due tonight (April 21) by 11:59 pm

Unit 4 Quizzes

Both unit 4 quizzes (Quiz 5 and Quiz 6)  are due by 11:59 pm Friday, April 28

Unit 4 Exam

The Unit 4 exam is available now in the testing centers and must be completed by Saturday, April 29.  Note testing hours and locations are limited Friday and Saturday. Testing hours and locations are at this link.

The exam covers everything in Unit 4 .

The exam is a proctored, pen/pencil and paper exam.  It is not offered online on D2L.  There is detailed information about the exams at this link.  Please read it carefully – it contains the answers to many frequently asked questions.  Let me know if you have additional questions after reading it.

For this exam, you will be provided a copy of the Periodic Table for Units 3-4.  A copy of the periodic table you will receive is at this link.

Additional Study Resources

Don’t forget to look at the Unit 4 – additional study resources page on this Website.  It contains many resources to help you prepare for the exam.  Please take a look at them.  One of those resources is a practice exam.  Please read more about the practice exam below:

Practice Exam
What the practice exam is:

This practice exam will be similar in length, number of questions, types of questions (multiple choice, short answer, numerical problems, etc) to your exam.  The practice exam will be useful as a general review and will help you see how prepared you are.  If the practice exam (without looking at your notes) is easy for you, the actual exam probably will be.  If it is difficult, the actual exam probably will be.

What the practice exam is NOT:

The actual exam will NOT be the same as the practice exam with only a few numbers changed.  Do NOT think that if you only study and memorize the questions on the practice exam that you will be ready for the exam because the questions will be the same. 


