Online CHEM 152 – Update and reminders week of 1/23-1/27

I hope you are all getting settled into the rhythm of the class and how it works as well in progressing in the chemistry!  Make sure you check the Online Course Schedule regularly to remember assignments.  If you have not been doing that is a good habit to start – you (not I) are responsible for making sure you are keeping up with the deadlines and assignments.

Please read everything below carefully and let me know if you have questions.

Online Homework

Hopefully you are all logged into the online homework and is going well – I can see most of you have been completing the assignments.  Remember you MUST BE LOGGED IN to receive credit.  A few of you forgot to log in for the first assignments and I worked with you, but at this point you have had time to get used to the software and should be able to remember to log in.  Therefore, I will no longer credit students for work if they forget to log in for the remaining assignments this semester.  If you are a person that tends to forget to log in, I’d recommend writing the answers on scrap paper after you work them so you could go back later and type in the answers if you forget to log in.

The next online homework assignment (on Acid-Base titrations) is due Monday 1/30.


I have gone through all of the Quiz 0 assignments and returned them to you.  If you turned it in, you received full credit of 20 points.  Thanks to all of you who took the time to introduce yourselves and for all the good questions you asked.

Thanks to all of you who submitted Quiz 1 as pdf files according to the instructions!  I will be grading them this week and returning them via email to the address you sent them from.

Quiz 2 is due Monday 2/6.

The Unit 1 Exam can be taken at any Testing Center during open days and hours beginning Feb 3 and ending Feb 7.  I will send out detailed exam info next week.

Online CHEM 152 – Update and reminders

I hope you have all had a good first week of class and long weekend and have been able to access your course materials and get started! It’s never easy to learn to navigate all the details of a new online course and you are all doing great!

I will typically send out reminders and updates like this most weeks, but please contact me by text, phone, email, or office hours if you have questions about accessing or completing the assignments, or questions about the concepts covered.

Deadlines this week (today)

  • Quiz Zero is due today by 11:59 pm.  Thanks to all of you who have submitted it already.  It has been helpful to me to better get the class underway for you.  If you haven’t yet submitted it, click the link for instructions in how to do so.
  • Online Homework: Acid-Base Review is also due today by 11:59 pm.  Remember you must be logged in when doing the homework.   And remember, the system does NOT use D2L email.

What to study/do this week to stay on pace

  • check the Online Course Schedule.
  • Begin studying Common Ion Effect and Buffers.  This is material new to 152 and builds upon the acid base material learned in CHEM 151 (and reviewed last week in this course).  Online homework for this topic is due Monday, 1/23.
  • Complete Quiz 1, also due Monday, 1/23




Welcome to CHEM 152 Spring 2023 Semester!

Welcome to the second semester of general chemistry, CHEM 152.  My name is Bruce Farris.  I am your instructor for the course and I look forward to working with you this semester!

Everything you need to get started is at this link: Welcome to CHEM 152 – Start here. Please read, follow the directions, and contact me with any questions.

Welcome Fall 2022 In-Person CHEM 152 Students

This is my online CHEM 152 course website from Spring Semester – the course materials are the same and the examples and practice problems very similar to those covered in your class this semester.  The Units and Topics covered in this online course are the same  (and in the same order) as your class.  You can think of the “Bruce’s notes” for each section as the lecture notes for that section (with many of the same examples and practice problems).  There is no expectation or requirement that you use this website, but you might find it helpful to use as a “textbook”, if you need another look at the topics covered in class or on those occasions when you are unable to attend class.  Let me know if you have any questions about the material or the website!

Update after final part 2

Final Part 2 grades are available.  The exam average was 79.4.

Final Part 1 is available now and must be completed by 11:59 pm  Monday, May 9.  It is set up similarly to Final part 2 and covers Units 1 and 2.  Please contact me if you have questions about the exam itself or any chemistry questions about the material on the exam.

Some other announcements/frequently asked questions about the semester wrap up

“What happens next/when will I see grades/etc”

I will post grades for your Final Part 1 (completed Monday) sometime on Tuesday.

After posting those grades, I will release the final grade to D2L and put the final course grade in the D2L gradebook as well.  Before I do that, you should be able to calculate your course grade by putting in your final exam score and looking at the grading scale in the syllabus.

As always, contact me if you have questions about the class or have any last minute questions about the material before beginning the exam.

You’re almost there!  I appreciate your work this semester and have enjoyed working with you!

Reminders for Final Exams and last week of semester

You’re almost there!  You are doing great!  Here is the latest update and info for the CHEM 152 final exams.

Unit 4 Exam and Quizzes

The Unit 4 Exam grades are available on D2L.  The exam average was 72.  Quizzes 5 and 6 are also graded.  I have returned them to you by email and posted the grades on D2L.  Grades for all assignments, exams, and quizzes should now be posted on D2L.  Please take a look at them and let me know if you have any questions or see any possible errors or discrepancies.

Final exams:

The final exam will be in 2 parts.

Final Part 2 will be given first – from May 4 through May 6.  It will cover material from unit 3 and unit 4.

Final Part 1 will be given last – from May 6 to May 9. It will cover material from unit 1 and unit 2.

The orders on the exams are reversed to give you more time to prepare for the exam covering the older material.

Like the previous exams, you can access it on D2L by clicking  assessments then quizzes.  Once you start, you will have two hours to complete.  They are similar in length and format to the unit exams.

Resources for study and review

  • All the Unit 1-4 materials on this website
  • All the practice exams and unit exam review questions on D2L
  • Your previous unit exams
  • There are also final exam review questions (with answers) available in the “Final Exam Resources” folder on D2L

As always, contact me if you have questions about the class or have any last minute questions about the material before beginning the exams.

Reminders for end of Unit 4 and Exam 4

Supplemental Homework and Quizzes

The last supplemental homework assignment on Molecular Orbitals is due Friday April 29.

Quiz 5 covers the topics of electrochemistry and molecular orbitals.  It is available and will be turned in as previous quizzes this semester.

Quiz 6 is a little different.  While it is available and will be turned in as previous quizzes this semester, it is going to cover real world applications of electrochemistry that are based on the theory and concepts of electrochemistry learned in this unit.  It will be an opportunity for you to see connections between the theory covered in the textbook and notes with these applications.  It will require you to do some minor reading outside of the notes to answer the questions — suggestions for this are in the quiz.

Both Quizzes (5 and 6) are also due Friday April 29.

Unit 4 Exam

The Unit 4 exam will cover the topics of

  • Electrochemistry
  • Molecular Orbitals

The exam will be available Friday, April 29 and must be completed by Monday May 2 at 11:59 pm.  You can access it on D2L by clicking  Assessments then Quizzes.

Even though you have a four day window in which to take it (which hopefully will give you some flexibility), it will be timed with a 2 hour limit.  You must complete it in one 2 hour sitting, so arrange to take it when you have 2 hours and will not be interrupted.

There are resources for study and review (including review questions and a practice exam) in addition to the lecture notes and text.   Click here for a list of additional study and review resources for Unit 4.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions as you prepare for the exam.

CHEM 152 Unit 3 exam grades are posted and Unit 4 announcements

The Unit 3 exam average was 74.  If you wish to see what you missed and do not know how, do the following:

Click Course Progress (on top navigation bar) then Class Progress, QuizzesExam 3, Details, then choose Attempt 1.

If you have any questions about any of the questions on this exam (or exams 1 or 2) as you start to prepare for the final exams please contact me and I will be glad to help you with them.

Unit 4 has two topics – Electrochemistry and Molecular Orbitals.

Both Unit 4 quizzes are now available.  They are both due at 11:59 pm 4/29/2022.

Quiz 5 covers the topics of electrochemistry and molecular orbitals.  It is available and will be turned in as previous quizzes this semester.

Quiz 6 is a little different.  While it is available and will be turned in as previous quizzes this semester, it is going to cover real world applications of electrochemistry that are based on the theory and concepts of electrochemistry learned in this unit.  It will be an opportunity for you to see connections between the theory covered in the textbook and notes with these applications.  It will require you to do some minor reading outside of the notes to answer the questions — suggestions for this are in the quiz.

The supplemental homework assignment for Electrochemistry is available on D2L now and is due 4/25/2022.

As always,  feel free to reach out with questions or if you have difficulties.

End of Unit 3 Assignments and Unit 3 Exam

Some reminders for the upcoming exam (and the end of Unit 3) are below:

  • Supplemental Homework for Chemical Thermodynamics is available on D2L now and is due Friday, April 8
  • Quiz 4, covering all of Unit 3, is available at this link and is due Friday, April 8.
  • The Unit 3 Exam will be available Friday morning (April 8) until 11:59 pm Monday April 11.  Details are below.

Unit 3 Exam available tomorrow (April 8) through Monday (April 11)

The Unit 3 exam will cover the topics of Oxidation-Reduction, Transition Metals and Coordination Chemistry, and Chemical ThermodynamicsThe exam must be completed by Monday April 8 at 11:59 pm.  You can access it on D2L by clicking  Assessments then Quizzes. (D2L calls anything it grades automatically a “quiz” – including graded homework or exams).

Even though you have a four day window in which to take it (which hopefully will give you some flexibility), it will be timed with a 2 hour limit.  You must complete it in one 2 hour sitting, so arrange to take it when you have 2 hours and will not be interrupted.

There are resources for study and review (including review questions and a practice exam) in addition to the lecture notes and text.   Click here for a list of additional study and review resources for Unit 3.

Unit 4

Next up is our final unit, Unit 4.  Deadlines, as always, are on the Course Schedule.

Let me know if you have questions and have a good weekend!
