Final Exam Announcements

Here is some info and reminders for the final exams:

The final exam will be in 2 parts.

Final Part 2 will be given first – on Thursday December 10.  It will cover material from unit 3 and unit 4.

Final Part 1 will be given last – on Monday December 14.  It will cover material from unit 1 and unit 2.

The orders on the exams are reversed to give you more time to prepare for the exam covering the older material.

Like the previous exams, you can access it on D2L by clicking  assessments then quizzes.  Once you start, you will have two hours to complete.  They are similar in length and format to the unit exams.

Resources for study and review

  • All the Unit 1-4 materials on this website
  • All the practice exams and unit exam review questions on D2L
  • Your previus unit exams
  • There are also final exam review questions (with answers) available in the “Final Exam Resources” folder on D2L

As always, contact me if you have questions about the class or have any last minute questions about the material before beginning the exams.

Reminders for end of Unit 4

Hi everyone!  I hope your preparations for the Unit 4 exam are going well.  Here are some reminders for the following week:

Immediate Deadlines:

  1. Your Unit 4 Exam will be available beginning Sat Dec 5 at 8 am and must be completed by Monday Dec 7 at 11:59 pm.  I’m making the deadline Monday since the Molecular Orbital notes were just finalized today.  Like the previous exams, you can access it on D2L by clicking  assessments then quizzes.  Once you start, you will have two hours to complete.  There are resources for study and review in addition to the lecture notes and text – here is a link to additional study and review resources for Unit 4.
  2. Quiz 5 and Quiz 6 are due Friday Dec 4 at 11:59 pm
  3. The MyLabsPlus Molecular Orbital assignment is due Monday Dec 7 at 11:59 pm

As always, contact me if you have questions about the class or have any last minute questions about the material before beginning the exam.

Reminders for week of 11/23

Hi everyone!  Here are some reminders for the coming week:

The Unit 3 exam average was 76.3.  If you wish to see what you missed and do not know how, do the following:

Click Course Progress (on top navigation bar) then Class Progress, QuizzesExam 3, Details, then choose Attempt 1.

If you have any questions about any of the questions on this exam (or exams 1 or 2) as you start to prepare for the final exams please contact me and I will be glad to help you with them.

Both Unit 4 quizzes are now available.  They are both due at 11:59 pm 12/4/2020.

Quiz 5 covers the topics of electrochemistry and molecular orbitals.  It is available and will be turned in as previous quizzes this semester.

Quiz 6 is a little different.  While it is available and will be turned in as previous quizzes this semester, it is going to cover real world applications of electrochemistry that are based on the theory and concepts of electrochemistry learned in this unit.  It will be an opportunity for you to see connections between the theory covered in the textbook and notes with these applications.  It will require you to do some minor reading outside of the notes to answer the questions — suggestions for this are in the quiz.

Best wishes to all of you for a happy and healthy Thanksgiving!

As always, contact me if you have questions about the class or material.

Reminders for end of Unit 3

Hi everyone!  I hope your preparations for the Unit 3 exam are going well.  Here are some reminders for the following week:

Immediate Deadlines:

  1. Your Unit 3 Exam will be available beginning tomorrow morning (Sat Nov 14) at 8 am and must be completed by Sunday Nov 15 at 11:59 pm.  Like the previous exams, you can access it on D2L by clicking  assessments then quizzes.  Once you start, you will have two hours to complete.  There are resources for study and review in addition to the lecture notes and text – here is a link to additional study and review resources for Unit 3.
  2. Quiz 4 is also due Sunday Nov 15 at 11:59 pm
  3. The MyLabsPlus Thermodynamics assignment on Thermodynamics is due Monday Nov 16 at 11:59 pm

For Unit 4 (our last unit)

  1. Deadlines are all listed on the Course Schedule
  2. The first topic is Electrochemistry.  A lot of lecture notes and resources are available for you to get started now, with more coming over the weekend.

As always, contact me if you have questions about the class or have any last minute questions about the material before beginning the exam.

