Solubility Equilibria – Suggested reading assignment and guide

OpenStax textbook

Links to the appropriate OpenStax book sections are listed in the Bruce’s notes for the topic.

Links to the appropriate sections are also listed with the homework  problems for the topic.

All of the suggested readings are also listed below:

Read  OpenStax Section 15.1

Read the first half of OpenStax Section 15.3. Skip all reading beyond the example “Role of Fluoride in Preventing Tooth Decay”

Brown and LeMay (old) textbook

  • Read Section 17.4  beginning on page 748
  • Read Section 17.5  beginning on page 751 through page 755.  Skip subsections on “Formation of Complex Ions”and “Amphoterism” on pages 756-759.
  • Read Section 17.6 beginning on page 759
  • Omit Section 17.7 “Qualitative Analysis for Metallic Elements ” section beginning on page 762