
This first topic in Unit 3, oxidation-reduction reactions, is a fairly short topic.  It’s important to the course though as it is a necessary tool to look at two major topics coming up: coordination chemistry (in this unit) and electrochemistry (in Unit 4).

You have had some exposure to the concepts of oxidation states and oxidation-reduction reactions, even if you were not told that.  One example of oxidation states (one concept related to oxidation-reduction) is ionic charges like +2 on Ca2+, for example.  One class of chemical reactions that you have likely seen in a first semester course (single replacement reactions ), are examples of oxidation-reduction reactions.  We will review single replacement reactions in light of new material learned about oxidation.

The topic will start with a discussion of how to assign oxidation states to each element in a compound or ion. Next we’ll cover the basics of oxidation-reduction reactions, including their definition, terminology, how to identify them, and how to identify various species within them.  Finally, the topic will close with the review of single replacement reactions and a description and process to balance oxidation-reduction reactions.
