Electrochemistry – Suggested reading assignment and guide

OpenStax textbook

The entire Chapter 17 in OpenStax will be useful in this topic. and the order in OpenStax will pretty closely follow the order of concepts and objectives presented in the Bruce’s notes for the topic, with the exception that Section 17.7 (Electrolysis) will be covered before the material in Sections 17.5 and 17.6 (Batteries, fuel cells, and corrosion)

Section 17.1reviews cover material you learned in Unit 3 for oxidation-reduction reactions, while the remaining sections i the chapter is new material.

If you prefer to follow the notes and objectives and augment or refer to the reading as necessary,  links to the appropriate OpenStax book sections are listed in the Bruce’s notes for the topic as the concepts are addressed.

Links to the appropriate OpenStax sections are also listed with the homework problems for the topic.


Brown and LeMay (old) textbook

Electrochemistry is covered in Chapter 20, all sections.  The entire Chapter is applicable to our treatment of this topic.  Review Sections 20.1 and 20.2 – they cover material you learned in Unit 3 for oxidation-reduction reactions.  New material is covered in Sections 20.3-20.9.

